How To: Perform a Smiling Georgie magic trick with one dollar

Perform a Smiling Georgie magic trick with one dollar

Want to turn George Washington's frown upside down? Then tune in to this trick! You will need a crisp one dollar bill. Sometimes we use materials that require adult supervision... like scissors, so make sure you have friends and family around whenever you do magic tricks. 1. Preparation: Give the bill a crease right in the middle of George's smile. George should be inside the fold.
2. Performance: This trick works best when it's done one-on-one. Hold the bill with both hands with George facing your spectator. Show the bill and point out George's mouth.
3. Hold the bill so that the spectator is looking down at the bill. Now, tell them George will smile. To make him smile, slowly turn the top of the bill towards yourself so that the spectator is now looking up at George. It will look like he makes a smile!

Perform a Smiling Georgie magic trick with one dollar

Perform a Smiling Georgie magic trick with one dollar Click through to watch this video on

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