Prop Tricks How-Tos

How To: Do the Sliced Banana Trick!

How to do the sliced banana magic trick! Fool your friends and be the life of the party with this awesome magic trick! This video will show you how to cut a banana before you even peel it! All that you will need for this cool trick is a needle and a banana.

How To: Catch Money on Fire Without Actually Burning It

If you want to convince your friends that money is not an issue, then you can just burn it for real like Walter White. But if you don't really want to destroy your hard-earned cash, this burn trick is perfect for you. It just takes some basic chemistry and a few materials, such as salt, water, alcohol, tongs, and a source of fire. And of course—money.

How To: Perform the torn and restored bill magic trick

This is a sweet little magic trick that has you tearing a bill then magically restoring it to it to normal after. Follow the video and see if you can do it yourself! All you need is a normal bill and to know this magic secret! A great Easy Magic Trick. Use this Easy Magic Trick to impress anyone. This Easy Magic Trick is not hard to do.

How To: Perform the Jumping Ring Trick

OK, don't use this video to propose to your future wife, but DO try this video to impress your friends and family. You'll need a ring and an audience and you'll be able to show them how the ring jumps off one finger to another. It's magic!

How To: Perform the penetrating toothpick trick

This trick is super sweet and easy to do. What you'll be doing is called the penetrating toothpick trick, which will link two toothpicks together. Any bar or resturaunt that has wooden toothpicks will make for a great location to pull off this trick. This is also known as the linking cigarette trick which is very popular on the net right now.

How To: Perform the "coin bend" magic trick

Magic is something almost everybody wants to learn, so why not learn now? Magic tricks can be done by anybody, you just need a little confidence and a little sleight of hand to pull off the illusion. This video tutorial will show you how to perform the "coin bend" magic trick. Be a magician to your friends and your family! This is basic magic for beginners, so don't fret, see the reveal... learn how to bend an ordinary coin in half.

How To: Start Learning Magic

Especially today, with the internet making information so readily available, people of all ages, all around the world, are trying to learn magic tricks. Unfortunately, going about this the wrong way won't make you into a magician at all, but will instead make you into someone who simply knows how a few tricks work.

How To: Perform "the coin fold" trick

In this video, we learn how to perform "the coin fold" trick. First, borrow a quarter and grab a piece of paper. Take the quarter and fold it up inside of the paper. This will prevent you from doing any slide of hand or trickery. Make sure they can see the coin inside of the paper. Next, you will need to take out your magic wand, which is in your back pocket. Wave it over the paper, and the coin should no longer be inside the paper. To do this, you will need to make sure the coin is inside of...

How To: Link rubber bands trick

In this tutorial, we learn how to link rubber bands trick. To start, you will need to have two rubber bands. After you have these, you will count to '3' and then link the rubber bands together. This is a very simple trick to do, just hold the hands in each of your hands. Then, stretch these apart, putting your thumb on the bottom part of the top rubber band. Then, when you count to '3', you will quickly move and put your middle finger through the other rubber band, making them link together. ...

How To: Perform brusspup's "Amazing Shampoo Trick"

In this video tutorial from YouTube's brusspup, we learn how to perform the "Amazing Shampoo" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.

How To: Perform the "Amazing Stick Trick"

In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Amazing Stick" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.

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