Prop Tricks How-Tos

How To: Create an optical illusion with a safety pin

This video is about an optical illusion of a straw going through a safety pin. It is a simple illusion that any one can do. First, you need a safety pin, a toothpick and a straw. Cut the straw to the size of the toothpick, and using the safety pin, pierce straw and the toothpick from the middle. Then close the pin. Then all you've got to do is to hold the straw to the safety pin and release it. The straw will rotate almost 180 degrees creating the illusion of going through the safety pin to t...

How To: Do the doubling coins trick

This is a magic trick in which you turn one small coin into two larger coins. First you need to place the two larger coins horizontally between your index finger and your thumb. Then you need to place the smaller coin vertically against your index finger and thumb as to conceal the two larger coins. Then when you make a motion with your hand you can slide the smaller coin down and have two larger coins.

How To: Do a beginner coin trick

Start off with a coin in one hand palm up, then you will rotate your hand palm down. Once you do this you will throw the coin from one hand to the next, causing the coin to "magically" switch hands. mover your fingers tightly together with the hand that first had the coin to try and play off that you are transferring the coin from the starting hand to the opposite.

How To: Escape from a straitjacket

With the help of magician Dan Martin, you'll learn the steps to escape from a straitjacket! Hopefully you won't find yourself in a serious situation where you need to escape from a straitjacket, but if you want to simply impress your friends or put on a magic show, this video is a great tutorial for you.

How To: Get yourself out of thumbcuffs

Daniel Martin, a magician and escape artist, explains his technique for getting out of thumbcuffs. Disclaimer: We're pretty sure it's not illegal to know HOW to escape from thumbcuffs... but we're 100% sure it's illegal to actually escape when detained by law enforcement (just sayin').

How To: Make one coin turn into two coins with a pen

This magic trick is for the kids! It's a simple magic trick (or illusion) that will have your kids wondering if you really do have magical powers! Watch to see how to make one coin turn into two coins with just a pen. You'll need a razor blade to hack into the pen, to hide the coin, but it's worth it.

How To: Perform the rising ring rubber band trick

See how to perform the rising ring rubber band trick. This illusion is just that, an illusion. You just need a rubber band and a ring off your finger. You will amaze your friends and guests by making the ring look like it is crawling up the rubber band at a slope, but really it's just a little trickery with the rubber band. Check out this video to learn the reveal of the rising ring rubber band trick.

How To: Perform the "coin in a bottle" magic trick

Magic Trick: The Coin in Bottle Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.

How To: Perform the "cigarette through coin" magic trick

Magic Trick: The Cigarette Through Coin Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.

How To: Perform the "vanishing toothpick" magic trick

Magic Trick: The Vanishing Toothpick Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.

How To: Perform the "vanishing scarf" magic trick easily

Magic Trick: The Vanishing Scarf Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.

How To: Perform the "vanishing coin" magic trick

Magic Trick: The Vanishing Coin Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.