Learn how to make your own pair of fireproof gloves for magic tricks or movie special FX. Fireproof gloves let you cover your hands with flammable butane & play with fire like never before. They will not damage or incinerate your hands because they are constructed of several layers.
Remember that magic trick from when you were a kid where the magician colors the drawing without any crayons? Ever wonder how they do that? Check out this tutorial, and you will know their well-kept secret! Use it to impress your friends!
OK, don't use this video to propose to your future wife, but DO try this video to impress your friends and family. You'll need a ring and an audience and you'll be able to show them how the ring jumps off one finger to another. It's magic!
If you're a magician, or an aspiring one, you'll want to learn how to put your own stamp on your tricks. It's very hard to actually find a trick that hasn't been done already, but you can still find ways to personalize the trick and bring new life to it.
No nets, no coins, no cards, no nothing! This magic trick is a fun one to do and only requires your hands, arms and an audience. Check it out and see how to convince your friends that your arms are made of rubber.
Be the life of the party – without wearing a lampshade or starting a conga line – by getting an egg into a bottle.You Will Need* 4 Four wooden matches* 1 A wide-mouth glass bottle that holds at least 20 ounces* 1 A peeled, hard-boiled egg
How to do the sliced banana magic trick! Fool your friends and be the life of the party with this awesome magic trick! This video will show you how to cut a banana before you even peel it! All that you will need for this cool trick is a needle and a banana.
What can you do with a hair dryer besides dry your hair? Lots. You can remove stickers from clothing, clean up crayon marks, and mold your plastic eyeglasses for a better fit. But how about something a little more fun? Well, you can levitate things. Ping pong balls, to be exact.
If you want to convince your friends that money is not an issue, then you can just burn it for real like Walter White. But if you don't really want to destroy your hard-earned cash, this burn trick is perfect for you. It just takes some basic chemistry and a few materials, such as salt, water, alcohol, tongs, and a source of fire. And of course—money.
In this video, learn how to alter the center of gravity within a coke can so that it leans on its side like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Later, learn how to balance a coin on a dollar bill. Take a look at how this is done and learn a little bit about how gravity functions in the process
Don't get burned playing with fire——know how to play with it right, just like those crazy magicians do when it comes to magical fireballs that you can hold in your hand. You can juggle them, too, but you need to know the secret to making them safely.
Out of helium? Forgot to pick up the tank? Don't worry, this video shows you two different ways that you can make your balloons float without using helium! And better yet, these methods use things you likely have around the house, so no added cost!
If you'd like to perform the what's next card trick, this video will show you how. With a large card, you can make it look like you're changing the number of dots on the card, when in reality, it's really just the way you hold it.
With this video you'll be able to pull a prank on your friends, convincing them they're psychic! It's a great illusion that anyone can do. You'll need to watch the video and check out the accompanying link here. Tada!
Here's another video showing you how to rip up a piece of paper and then have it magically restore itself to its pristine state. This requires two pieces of paper and little handy work, distraction and you're off to the races!
Kids love magic, and they love performing it too! Here's an easy trick kids can learn to get them on the way to being their own Criss Angel, except cool. You'll need a penny a pen and some magical words. Abracadabra.
This is the famous cups and balls magic trick. You'll make the balls appear and disappear, seemingly at random. You'll need some balls to do this trick - 3 to be exact. You'll also need 3 cups. Watch this video and see how it's done
Here's how to perform a sweet magic trick where you tear a piece of paper and restore it to normal. Well, it will look like that. You'll need two pieces of paper towel to do this trick. Check out this video and remember, magic is everywhere!
Want to impress your friends or maybe that special someone by pulling out foot after amazing foot of paper out of your hand? Of course you do! Now, with this sweet little video you can learn how to use a prop called a mouth coil to do it.
This is a sweet little magic trick that has you tearing a bill then magically restoring it to it to normal after. Follow the video and see if you can do it yourself! All you need is a normal bill and to know this magic secret! A great Easy Magic Trick. Use this Easy Magic Trick to impress anyone. This Easy Magic Trick is not hard to do.
Voila! The coin has vanished. You can make it vanish too with this easy peasy magic trick. You'll need a coin, some tape and a little sleight of hand. Then, gather friends and family together and get ready to rock their world.
This trick is super sweet and easy to do. What you'll be doing is called the penetrating toothpick trick, which will link two toothpicks together. Any bar or resturaunt that has wooden toothpicks will make for a great location to pull off this trick. This is also known as the linking cigarette trick which is very popular on the net right now.
Sponge balls are a very cool magic effect. But you will have to master palming first. You will get very good reactions. The best part is that you can simply keep them in your pocket. Here is how to start.
Well, our current economy is making coins vanish pretty easily, BUT, if you're looking for another way to make a coin disappear this trick is for you. You'll need a glass, a coin, a cloth and a piece of felt, scissors and glue. Then presto chango, you now have one quarter less!
Learn to breathe fire safely using corn starch instead of a flammable liquid. Using only a mouthful corn starch and an open flame, it's possible to breathe fire and impress your friends and family. This trick must not be attempted without professional supervision.
This magic trick is really not so much a feat of illusion as a dizzying demonstration of physics. This video will show you how to do this easy trick with only a humble coin and coat hanger as props that will dazzle your audience for about 20 seconds with practice.
This trick from Criss Angel requires two magicians that appear to transform into each other. Learn how to perform Criss Angel's metamorphosis trick by watching this video magic tutorial.
Magic is something almost everybody wants to learn, so why not learn now? Magic tricks can be done by anybody, you just need a little confidence and a little sleight of hand to pull off the illusion. This video tutorial will show you how to perform the "coin bend" magic trick. Be a magician to your friends and your family! This is basic magic for beginners, so don't fret, see the reveal... learn how to bend an ordinary coin in half.
With this easy to learn step by step tutorial you can learn how to perform the floating dollar bill magic trick. Amaze your friends by levitating a dollar bill right in front of their eyes.
Optical illusions are thrilling and abundant, and this one is both cool and novel. All you need are two pieces of twisted metal wires like those show in the video. Slide them together, then untwist to created a really cool illusion.
Especially today, with the internet making information so readily available, people of all ages, all around the world, are trying to learn magic tricks. Unfortunately, going about this the wrong way won't make you into a magician at all, but will instead make you into someone who simply knows how a few tricks work.
How cool would it be if you could become invisible? While this video won't show you quite how to do that, it will teach you how to make a coin disappear into thin air. Which, by our standards, is still pretty awesome.
In this video, we learn how to perform "the coin fold" trick. First, borrow a quarter and grab a piece of paper. Take the quarter and fold it up inside of the paper. This will prevent you from doing any slide of hand or trickery. Make sure they can see the coin inside of the paper. Next, you will need to take out your magic wand, which is in your back pocket. Wave it over the paper, and the coin should no longer be inside the paper. To do this, you will need to make sure the coin is inside of...
In this tutorial, we learn how to link rubber bands trick. To start, you will need to have two rubber bands. After you have these, you will count to '3' and then link the rubber bands together. This is a very simple trick to do, just hold the hands in each of your hands. Then, stretch these apart, putting your thumb on the bottom part of the top rubber band. Then, when you count to '3', you will quickly move and put your middle finger through the other rubber band, making them link together....
In this video tutorial from YouTube's brusspup, we learn how to perform the "Amazing Shampoo" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Infinity Mirror" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Amazing Dragon Illusion" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "Amazing Stick" magic trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.
In this video tutorial, we learn how to perform the "All Screwd Up" prop trick. For more information about the trick and its execution, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started incorporating this trick into your own routines, watch this free video magic lesson.
This trick is title "Dissapero / Reapero" and if you can guess, it's a disappearing and reappearing coin trick. To perform this coin trick, you'll need a coin (duh!) and a long sleeve shirt. This is super easy magic that anyone can perform. Great for beginners!
One fun way to hide your secret messages and also amaze your friends is to make your own form of disappearing ink! You will need some chemicals though, and with chemicals make sure you either have a parent present and/or have the proper safety equipment! In this video you will learn how to create the ink, use it and make the message come back.
This is quite the trick. By making a couple loose folds into a dollar bill, and a few strategic placements of paper clips, it's possible to link two paper clips together! This is just a magic trick that appears to magically link the two paper clips together, a mere illusion, but can you replicate this trick?
Now you see it, now you don't. That's basically what's going on here. But it's more like now you see it, now you don't, but that's because the coin's in my other hand! With a little swiftness, good aim and superb catching skills, you too can perform this easy ghost coin trick, where it appears in one hand, then the other.
This magic trick will show you how to make a simple, thin cardboard, egg carton vanish before the eyes. The egg carton gets stuffed down a small circular object, and disappears before your eyes, but how? The secret? Acetone. Behind that little circular barrier is a bowl of cardboard dissolving acetone liquid, a powerful and volatile ketone.
Pierce pencils through a bag of water without spilling a drop. No gimmicks or special tools required! This is one of the easiest tricks out there! Not to mention mesmerizing. How does that water not ooze out?!? You'll need some water, a ziplock bag and some sharp pencils.
Wish you could fly like Superman? Now you can, with a little magic (or more appropriately, illusion). This magic trick lets you float horizontally in midair, and it's simple to perform. This video reveals the secret, which is as simple as a box and mirror.
In this tutorial, we learn how to defy gravity with a water trick. First, you will need to fill a cup with water. After this, place a piece of plastic over the top of the cup. After this, push the plastic down, then turn the cup upside down. You will notice that the water does not immediately come out of the cup! Next, place a plastic bag filled with water into water, then bring it out and poke two pencils through, and none of the water will immediately leak out! These are great tricks to show...
Breaking a finger is painful, and the sight of broken fingers pointing in unnatural directions from the hand is enough to make many people ill. This video will show you how to terrify such people by pretending to first shrink your finger, then kick it up a notch by snapping off the finger, tossing it in the air, and eating it with a crunch. All you need to do this trick are some nuts, manual dexterity, and a showman's charisma. It's magic!
Apples are delicious and nutritious, but do you ever find that you want to cut one in half but don't have a knife? How will you ever split the apple with whomever you're with? You can. This video will show you how to split an apple in half pretty cleanly using one finger as a blade. All you do is put one forefinger on the top of the apple and bang on it with your other hand a couple times. The apple will split before you finger does, and you'll have to clean halves on an apple!
Most of the time for official coin tosses the interested party calls the result while the coin is in the air. Often, the coin is allowed to land on the ground to prevent tampering. Assuming that you are in a flipping situation where you are flipping it into your hand and calling it when it gets to the hand, it is pretty easy to guess the result accurately. This video will show you how to do so by rubbing the coin quickly to determine whether it is bumpy-side (tails) up or smooth-side (heads).
This video will teach you how to do a trick that you can use to win money off of your friends when they cannot do it. The task at hand is holding a plastic bottle cap in the thumb-forefinger gap in each hand and switch the caps without letting go of them. This video will show you the exact technique for making it work, which you friends will probably not know, rendering them completely unable to do this, frustrated, upset with you, and less however much money you bet them.